Thanksgiving Is Ruined

The Personal is Political. The Political is Personal.

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September 22, 2004
an engaged reader

Today I found a used copy, on sale for a buck, of a 1965 edition of a reprint of Walter Gropius' 1935 essay, The New Architecture and the Bauhaus. Page 79 features the following remark of Gropius:
A building designed by one man and carried out for him by a number of purely executant associates cannot hope to achieve a more than superficial unity.

A prior owner of the volume has added in the margin a one-word commentary on this passage:

I had to buy the volume for that alone.

The prior owner also had a commentary on the following passage by Frank Pick from the introduction, about the purported pendulum swing in modern architecture between the "architect" and the 'artist":

The creative spirit is ever resurgent. The tide relentlessly rises over breaking and receding waves. It is the rise of the tide that matters most.

The mystery commentator writes in the margin:
What crap.