Thanksgiving Is Ruined

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March 31, 2015

what killed Hotaling's: no more yokels

from the NY Daily News, 8/1/99:

Hotaling's, the fabled Times Square newsstand, quietly closed its landmark store . . . 
Hotaling's colorful grandfather, also named Arthur, began Hotaling's News Agency in New York in 1905 on the theory that visitors and new New Yorkers wanted to read their hometown newspapers. . . . 
Hotaling once complained that Broadway was being hurt by the demise of yokels. "I'll tell you what's the matter with Broadway - there's no more yokels left," he said. "There's no back-country for them to come from. The automobiles marked the end of real yokels, and everything that lived off the yokels - from Broadway to the circus - is dying."

Nothing else like that glorious place, then or since.